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- Cold & Heater for tea,coffee
- Book Light with Radio
- Desktop LED Calendar with Radio
- Novelty Touch screen organizer
- Novelty Digital photo frame with radio
- Desktop LED Calendar with Radio
- Cold & Heater for tea,coffee
- Digital photo frame with weather station
- Novelty digital picture frame with radio
- Digital photo frame with weather station
- Digital photo frame with radio,weather station
- Wireless weather station
- AL-331C1(Mix) candle
- Led color changing candle with fragrance
- Led color changing candle with flower fragrance
- Apple style Led candle with fragrance
- Flower shape Led candle
- Novelty databank with radio
- Mini Clock with Radio
- Mini Radio with Game player
- Novel Databank
- Touch Screen Palm Organizer -PDA
- Desktop Calculator with PC Botton
- Cold & Heater with usb/radio
- Touch Screen Panel Organizer (PDA)
- Digital Photo Frame
- Sudoku Game
- Desktop Calendar with Radio
- Desktop Simple PDA